
Spruce’s Weekly Guide to Shaving

On this week’s guide to shaving article, we’ve got a whole new set of tips that will bring to you the smooth shave you deserve. Shaving is a simple art...

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4 Natural Ways to Grow Your Beard

It’s one thing that there’s a wave of the lumberjack beards that just doesn’t seem to end. It’s a whole other thing if you have don’t even have a beard – or worse, you have a patchy one – and you cannot help but feel resentful to all the men who put your own manhood to shame. But that’s what we’re here...

On by Aman Sridhar 0 Comments

Here’s Why You Need to Use a Beard Oil

Beard oils are everywhere these days. You’re either already using them, or begrudgingly cursing people who do use them, because you’re constantly being exposed to it and can’t grow a beard yet. But fear not, beard oils aren’t reserved only for the lumberjack lookalikes. Beard oils have a wide range of benefits and are important for overall skincare.  

On by Aman Sridhar 0 Comments

Develop These Traits to Get the Woman of Your Dreams

Human beings are complex creatures. Unless you devote all your time to understanding every intricate complexity, it’s almost impossible to know everything about them. Perfecting your understanding of humans will...

On by Aman Sridhar 0 Comments

2 Personality Traits That Women Love in Men

It’s true that there are universal signs of attraction for both sexes. Men are often attracted to certain personality traits, just as women are equally likely to be attracted to...

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2 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Conversations on Tinder

Last week we talked about how you can improve your Tinder/name-dating-app profile by avoiding painfully obvious mistakes. Once you have done that, there are a few things you can do that will move you from just another tinder match, to that guy she met off tinder.  

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